Mr and Mrs Chimney Sweeps are experts at repairing Chimney stacks!
Chimney Repointing is the process of carefully removing deteriorated mortar from the brickwork joints of a Chimney Stack and replacing it with new mortar that has been correctly formulated. Ideally this work is completed and allowed to set in dry, not to cold weather conditions.
Often a big consideration to allowing a repair is Chimney Stack access, we are extremely capable of working safely off our ladders which can save our customers hundreds of pounds due to not requiring the use of scaffold platforms.
Of course in some situations a scaffold is required in which case we are pleased to be able to arrange this for you.
Protects Your Chimney From The Elements
If done well, chimney repointing will both protect the Chimney from water ingress and of course it's important to be done correctly in character of the building. Done incorrectly, repointing not only detracts from the appearance of the chimney, but will also allow water ingress to the chimney stack which can be extremely damaging to both the stack, other areas of the roof and indeed the building.
To repoint a chimney correctly it requires that all relevant mortar joints be ground out to a suitable depth. It is important to have a deep anchor for the new mortar to bond. This also offers longevity to the renewed repointing. Once that is completed, we begin repointing the brickwork of the chimney.
Next, we apply the correct concrete or lime based mortar filling to all joints, which seals all air pockets and voids between the bricks.
This also adds back some structural strength to the stack. If not done properly, the chimney repointing will crumble and fall out in a few years from the lack of bonding, this is a very common situation.
After all the joints are filled we let it 'go off' for about an hour and then we will strike all of the mortar joints to achieve the finished look.
Lastly, we smooth out the new mortar and make it flush with the brickwork. The new mortar is then left to set correctly.
Contact Us Now To Repoint Your Chimney
Often when out Chimney Sweeping we can advise if a small amount of patch repointing is required or indeed a full Chimney Stack repoint a common service we offer is a Chimney Inspection to ascertain the situation for you.
Our work is not rushed as we only deliver a quality job to our customers and we bring over 20 years experience in repairing Chimney stacks to hundreds of happy customers!
To discuss a new repointing enquiry please call us on 07305 790959 or complete a booking form on our website and we will call you to discuss how we can help